Monday, January 14, 2013

Introduction to Me

My name is Aleisha Morgan. I am from Seattle, WA and I love it there. In my immediate family I have a mom and a dad, 3 brothers, 2 sister-in-laws, 2 nieces, and a nephew. I love my family a lot. They are so fun and have become some of my best friends. Growing up in Seattle we did a lot of hiking and camping because my mom loves the outdoors. I, of course, always complained about hiking and I still do. I enjoy camping though. Especially the food. In high school I ran cross country, played tennis, played one year of soccer, and did one year of track. Some things I love to do but just don't do enough are snowboarding, disc golf, sewing and crafting. I love to read and I love to learn. Especially when I can learn about how to become a better teacher. This past summer my husband and I bought a duplex and became first time homeowners and first time landlords. We love to work to make our house a home.

On my other blog I wrote a post about 15 things that not many people know about me. Some of them are a little updated but it could still be interesting. Click here to read that post.

This is one YouTube video that always makes me laugh. Enjoy :)

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